Each Sunday we gather for worship at 9:30am. We begin together in the sanctuary for prayer and songs of praise. After a special music selection there is a children’s message. Then the kids and their teachers go to the Fellowship Hall for Sunday School for kids ages 3-12. (For info on Sunday School, please contact Snookie Patterson, (518)828-3503 to get on the Sunday School email list)
There is a nursery for little ones in the Fellowship Hall as well. The service continues in the sanctuary with scripture readings, sermon, sharing of joys and prayer concerns, the offering of gifts, and a benediction/blessing.
We all meet up afterwards in the fellowship hall for light refreshments and conversation. (In the summer we gather on the patio). The service lasts about an hour.
We celebrate the sacrament of communion on the first Sunday of every month, Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. Our Communion is open to all who believe in Jesus and have chosen to follow Him.
On the first Sunday of every month there is a food collection for the local food pantries. Other missions chosen by the Mission Committee are highlighted each month such as the CROP walk for hunger, Onesies collection for needy infants in the local hospitals, and Souper Bowl Day of Sharing. We also provide monetary support for missionaries Rev. Brad and Robin Kautz who serve the Jicarilla Reformed Church on the reservation in Dulce, New Mexico.
Each Sunday we gather for worship at 9:30am. We begin together in the sanctuary for prayer and songs of praise. After a special music selection there is a children’s message. Then the kids and their teachers go to the Fellowship Hall for Sunday School for kids ages 3-12. (For info on Sunday School, please contact Snookie Patterson, (518)828-3503 to get on the Sunday School email list)
There is a nursery for little ones in the Fellowship Hall as well. The service continues in the sanctuary with scripture readings, sermon, sharing of joys and prayer concerns, the offering of gifts, and a benediction/blessing.
We all meet up afterwards in the fellowship hall for light refreshments and conversation. (In the summer we gather on the patio). The service lasts about an hour.
We celebrate the sacrament of communion on the first Sunday of every month, Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday. Our Communion is open to all who believe in Jesus and have chosen to follow Him.
On the first Sunday of every month there is a food collection for the local food pantries. Other missions chosen by the Mission Committee are highlighted each month such as the CROP walk for hunger, Onesies collection for needy infants in the local hospitals, and Souper Bowl Day of Sharing. We also provide monetary support for missionaries Rev. Brad and Robin Kautz who serve the Jicarilla Reformed Church on the reservation in Dulce, New Mexico.
Special Services
In September we have a special service and picnic.
Christmas Eve Candlelight service takes place at 7:30 pm on December 24th. It is a beautiful service of spoken word, music, and light.
Ash Wednesday there is community potluck at 6pm and a brief service at 7pm with informal communion and imposition of ashes to mark the start of of the penitential season of Lent.
Maundy Thursday we remember the Last Supper time of Jesus with his disciples before his crucifixion on Good Friday. There is a solemn service of scripture and the extinguishing of candles at 7pm.
We have an active choir and are blessed with weekly selections of sacred music. The choir rehearses on Thursdays at 7 pm. Fall through Spring the choir rehearses on Thursdays at 7:30 pm. We also have a bell choir that performs on special occasions.
To learn more about the choirs please contact music director and organist Andrea Mastrianni (518) 265-3661. For more info on the bell choir please contact Lloyd Lawrence at lloydlawr@gmailcom.
Yule Booth
The Women’s Group Yule Booth Committee makes crafts for the Annual Holiday Bazaar every November. They meet from 10 am to noon, Wednesday; 7 – 9 pm on Wednesday evening. For more information contact Kim Plass 518-851-7406